Advocacy & Engagement
There are more than 67 million home-based workers in South Asia, of which a majority are women. Yet, they remain one of the most invisible sectors of informal workers in the region. Vulnerable women...
Between 2011-12 and 2017-18, the number of home-based workers decreased significantly. The drop was greater than the drop in India’s total employment and was largely due to the significant decrease in...
In the era of lockdowns and physical distancing, grassroot-level organisations face challenges when communicating with and staying in touch with its membership. Women home-based workers, across South...
The COVID-19 outbreak has impacted global garment supply chains causing brands and retailers to close shops and cancel orders from sourcing factories. This has resulted in mass layoffs and has had a...
South Asia’s 50 million home-based workers, a majority of whom are women, are significant contributors. Their earnings ensure the welfare of their families, communities and national economies. Within...
This report is the outcome of a study titled ‘Impact of Demonetization on Home-based Workers of Jaipur and Mumbai’ commissioned by WIEGO in February 2017. It is part of a larger study, which...
The global trade union movement has been lobbying for an ILO Convention on gender-based violence (GBV) for many years. As a result, the ILO Governing Body at its 325th Session (November 2015) placed a...
Like most Saturdays in Nepal, April 25, 2015, was also off to a quiet start. Mostly people stayed home, the streets were quiet, and a majority of shops remained shut. It was a regular Saturday till...
Concluding observations on the fourth periodic report of Pakistan adopted by the Committee at its fifty fourth session (11 February – 1 March 2013).
The 22nd May 2018 was a truly red letter day for home-based workers across the world. Representatives of the five regions of South East Asia, South Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe & Central Asia, and...
The Homebased Workers Policy workshop was held on 7th and 8th March 2017, at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi and attended by participants at Annexe 1. The agenda is at Annexe 2.
Report on Need Assessment on Livelihood Skills Developments and Technological Up gradation, Aug 2012
A half day city official workshop has been held in Dhaka, BIAM Centre on 4th June, 2012. City officials from different department of Dhaka City Corporation, Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority...
A three-day long nonresidential training workshop on organizing & leadership for the identified HBWs in Dhaka city was organized at Radda MCH Centre Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh.